Do you own an electric vehicle (EV) or have you been thinking about taking the plunge to purchase one? There is definitely a growing demand for electric vehicles in our city. It is a hot topic whether Vancouver is doing enough to meet the demand by investing and motiving the […]
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Great Option For Vancouver Homeowners | 2nd or 3rd Storey Additions
If you are a Vancouver resident, you are most likely keenly aware that space in our city is at a premium like never seen before. If you’re lucky Vancouver homeowner and find yourself wishing you had more space… Have you consider the option of building up? Some advantages of […]
Read MoreAverra Developments on HGTV Massive Moves
Averra Developments big house move finally aired on HGTV’s show Massive Moves! The circa-1915 Vancouver heritage home was safely moved by Nickel Brothers building movers. The episode documents how this home was: loaded onto a transport truck carefully navigated it through Vancouver city streets transferred on a barge at the Fraser River shipped […]
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