Building a New Custom Home | Where to Start…

Are thinking about building or renovating your existing home? Investing your time up front to clearly define your home goals is the perfect place to start. It will provide clarity for you and your family and make the building process easier. What’s Motivating Your Renovation or Rebuilding? Have you and your family outgrown your home …

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Making A Custom Teak Countertop

Using of teak as counter tops is becoming increasingly popular.  Designers and homeowners love its hardwood attributes, rich red-brown grains, and resistance to water and moisture. This blog post shares some of our advice and steps to help you create your own custom teak countertop. Purchasing and Selecting Teak Raw Material Most teak comes from …

heritage house, nickel brothers, house moving, dunbar home, featured on HGTV, house on semi, house transport, house move

Averra Developments on HGTV Massive Moves

Averra Developments big house move finally aired on HGTV’s show Massive Moves! The circa-1915 Vancouver heritage home was safely moved by Nickel Brothers building movers.  The episode documents how this home was: loaded onto a transport truck carefully navigated it through Vancouver city streets transferred on a barge at the Fraser River shipped to its new home on …

water heater, white water heater, plumbing

Save Energy | Use On-Demand Tankless Water Heaters

Hot water efficiency in your home. A recent study from the CMHC compares gas fired on-demand hot water heaters and conventional hot water holding tanks.  Results proved that on-demand water heaters were most cost effective using 46% less energy. Clearly on-demand hot water heaters offer long-term efficiency and energy savings, there are some downsides when selecting …

house move, heritage house, vancouver heritage house, nickel brothers, flatbed truck, Averra project, saving house

Averra saves 100-year old Vancouver house from demolition

Averra Developments’ Dunbar Project was a residential home build that had an interesting start. New homes are regularly being built to satisfy demand in the market.  Older homes are regularly being demolished to make way for new homes with improved design, function and with energy efficiency in mind. Our Dunbar project had a beautiful cira-1915 …

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Georgie Awards | Excellence in BC’s Residential Construction Industry

Georgie Awards recognizes BC’s residential builders for marketing, renovationing and constructing single and multi-family homes. Members of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association of BC gather at the Vancouver Convention Center for the awards gala to recognize exception work done in the industry. Averra Developments proudly earned Best Condo Renovation under $200,000 for the Brown Residence in …

Raising A House In Vancouver

Building a brand new home while retaining heritage and character by raising a house in Vancouver can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are top reasons homeowners and builders decide to raise a house instead of demolishing and building new.  1. Increased Density and Floor Space.  The city of Vancouver has heritage retention incentives in …